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topics and Messages
Here are a few of Lisa’s more popular messages. Or, feel free to pick a new topic and she’ll craft a message specific for your theme and group!
The Fragrance of Friendship
Extreme Makeover: Spiritual Edition
Unwrapping His Presence (Romans 12)
The Balancing Act
Turning Fear and Disappointment into Contentment and Joy
Intimacy with God
Harvesting Forever Fruit
God's Chicken Soup for Every Soul
Seasons of Change and Scenarios of Challenge
Cultivating Pearls of Wisdom
Ten Stupid Things Christians Do to Mess Up Their Lives (the Ten Commandments)
Finding Peace in a Noisy World
Mission: Possible!!
The No-Motion Ocean Cruise
...... and there’s much more!

“He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6
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